
Available 28th September, 2023

Borderland - Walking the East Kent Coastline

"Rod Edmond brings an expert scholarly eye and poetic insight to a complex and fascinating project, drawing history, literature and contemporary social realities into his account."

Abdulrazak Gurnah

Winner of the nobel prize for literature, 2021

"A thrilling and urgently necessary read at a time of social division and agonised questions about Britain’s land and soul; questions about who belongs in Britain, and which world community Britain itself belongs to."


Journalist, broadcaster and novelist

Reculver Tower
Reculver Towers is where I start my walk from. Site of a Roman fort, later an Anglo-Saxon monastery, the Towers themselves were built in the 12th century. I think of them as marking the different historical periods of this seabord.
Map of Kent Coastline